Monday, December 31, 2007
{ 6:59 PM }
This one from Singapore ...dunno how true but just keep 1ct coins in your pocket & see if it works.
Bee/Hornet Cure:
Sharing this information in case you experience the same problem around your home/garden. ..A couple of weeks ago I was unfortunate to get stung by both a bee and hornet while working in the garden. My arm swelled so off to the doctor I went. The clinic gave me cream and an antihistamine.Next day the swelling got progressively worse so off to my regular doctor I went...infected arm needed an antibiotic.
** The interesting thing is what the Doctor told me..."Next time you get stung put a penny on the bite for 15 minutes."That night my niece got stung by two bees. When she came over to swim I looked at the bite and it had already started to swell. So off Iwent to get my money and taped a penny to her arm for 15 minutes. Next morning, there was no sign of a bite. We were very surprised but figured perhaps she just wasn ' t allergic to the sting.Then guess what? I got stung again by a hornet twice on my left hand. I was distressed thinking I would have to go to the doctor for yet more antibiotics. I promptly went into the house, got my money out and taped twopennies to my bites, then sat and sulked for 15 minutes. The penny took the sting out of the bite immediately. I still wasn ' t sure what was going to happen.In the meantime the hornets were attacking my niece and she got stung on the thumb. Out came another penny. The next morning I could only see a microspot where I had been redness, no swelling. I went to see my niece and hers was the same. I couldn ' t even see where she got stung! The Doctor said that somehow the copper in the penny counteracts the bite. I would never have believed it. But it DEFINITELY WORKED ! So remember this little bit of wisdom, keep a stock of pennies on hand at school and at home and pass this on.
Labels: information, reads
Sunday, December 30, 2007
{ 12:51 AM }
yays..t0day is an0ther sh0pping day..hehs..t0day miie n viny b0ught l0ads 0f stuff..t00bad ii din take pics 0f his l0ads 0f stuff..actually nt much lar..hahhas..ii b0ught fr0m t0p t0 b0tt0m..hehs..take a l00ky..

ok tis is b0ught fr0m jp j0hn little but n0t the d0wnstairs 0ne its the 0ne whr p0pular previ0usly was fr0m..ahahha..ii tink they habing 0ffer lar..s0 super cheap l0r..its diff fr0m the 0riginal j0hn little dat was 0n level 1..strictly n0 30% disc..tsk tsk..

t00bad ii din saw tis earlier..ii shld hab g0 fr0m lvl 1 until lvl 4 h0r..hahhs..if n0t ii wun waste $$ 0n the tube t0p bras le..wasted 3X$12.90..hahha..

hmms..tis l00k abit lyk th0se rainjacket euu knw?but ii f0rg0t wad ii shld call it as?hmm..but ii lyk rainjacket lyk tis..hahha..hah..nvm..euu all shld get wad ii trying t0 say anyway..ii jz cnt put a name t0 tis..brain slping lia0x..sry arhs..

ii l0ve tis dress&&bag can prepare f0r new year le..& the ting pinned to the dress is a star n0t a butterfly h0kay Sue..hahhas..purp0sely b0ught it c0s 0f the star..kekke..=P..

oopss ii alm0st f0rg0t ii left 0ut tis pic..haha lipgl0ss..every0ne's fav0urite..its b0urj0is..erm alth0ugh abit exp but jz wanna try 0ut the brand lar..s0 ii buy it..hahha..

recently ii am s0 in l0ve with tis type 0f sandals..can wear&&g0 clip cl0p clip cl0p..hahha..abit lyk "SaNDRa"..if euu all knw h0w she act lyk with her sandals..l0ls..s0 l0ng nvr see her le..but ii tink she still the same lar..kekek..0h..h0pefully tmr ii can buy psp le..ii tink..ii wish&&ii h0pe maybe can buy slim 0r fat?hahha..h0pe can slim 0ne..hais..dunknw lars..wth...feel lyk buying 2..but viny tinks its wasteful..but ii cnt make up my mind..>.<..ii lyk slim's c0l0ur but ii lyk fat's design..wahka0x..haiya..dunknw lar..let him make the decisi0n ba..heh..=)))...s0 happy t0day..c0s viny sp0ns0r f0r s0me 0f my cl0thes..lyk the red dress&&bag..
Labels: love, memories, shopping
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
{ 11:26 PM }
siick 0f viny c0s we stayed at his h0use ytd the wh0le day&&nvr did anything much jz play pc l0rs..shyt lar..wanted g0 jp s0 muchh..end up at 6pm ii t0ld him after ii played abit m0re den we can g0 0ut le..end up he sleep&&sleep&&sleep until 7pm 0s0 wun wake up ii am s0 siianx..waiting f0r a slpy pers0n t0 wake up&&ii hate empty pr0mises..ii dunwanna make him sleep anym0re..nxt time he sleep ii tell him ii g0 h0me le..bleahs..=((..
Labels: mood
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
{ 9:02 AM }
yays..w0rk finished early ytd mins bef0re 7pm s0 ii went t0 meet viny at f0rum t0 g0 imm..hahhas..reached at 8pm?went t0 eat Streets(H0ngK0ng Cuisine)..managed t0 had a table at 828pm..c0s its really adhering t0 its first c0me first served rule..c0s bef0re us,the ppl in fr0nt is 8 l0rs..s0 had t0 wait f0r them t0 really sit d0wn bef0re we g0t a table t0 0urself..haha..n0 pics t0 upl0ad c0s ii left my ph0ne at viny's h0use && he din bring it..=.="..s0 cann0t take pics l0r..after dinner aldy 9pm le..fstr g0 d0 sh0pping and we can g0 le..hahha ii g0gi0 t0 buy a legging..den viny cann0t buy any shirts..0r nt his size l0r..hahha..=x..den we g0 hang ten..yays..he g0t a jean&&l0ng-sleeved shirt can buy le&&he sp0ns0red miie a jean le..kekek....phew..c0s all the sh0ps are cl0sed le..n0 m0re le..heheh...0ky lar..finish le..den g0 0ver..hahha..
Labels: fashion, food, shopping
Sunday, December 23, 2007
{ 12:47 AM }
yays..t0day we are finally back t0 w0rking t0gether 0nly f0r wed,fri&&sat l0rs..hahha had a funtime t0day g0ing t0 suntec via bus 75 and rain had st0pped..g0 play sweetLand..aft s0 l0ng..alm0st dunknw hw t0 play le..full 0f sweets but n0b0dy's playing..abit b0red..c0s al0t 0f sweets stuck & cann0t bring up..finally we spend lyk $45 less den fifty lars..den we g0 eat at andersen's..(ice-cream)yummies..aft dat we bus-ed t0 viv0 in 1&half hr's time..?fr0m suntec t0 viv0 we t00k bus 97.reached at 8.10pm.den ii quickly g0 find sasa t0 buy the perfumes ii wanted&&the 0ne perfume f0r viny....and did all wadever banking shit ii nid t0..hais..aft dat we spend 0ur time in water s0aking 0n t0p 0f viv0..hhaa..t00k the pic 0f viv0's xmas tree.damn taLL..ii will p0st it s0me 0ther time..heess..x)..we g0 e-z0ne f0r awhile played until 1020pm..bef0re we t00k bus 61 h0me..and he went h0me at 1130pm..hahah..0kys lar..st0p here le..c0s ii am tired..slept at 3.45am ytd..waking at 8/9/10am...3times..hahahs..crazy miie..
Labels: love, outings, randoms
Friday, December 21, 2007
{ 7:20 PM }
yaya..the lucky draw is 0fficially 0ver..and lucky miie again..ii g0t the 23rd prize alth0ugh its nt anywhr near the t0p but at least its s0mething 0ky?
Sue:: ii g0t a t0aster..hahah..n0 use f0r dat s0 put at viny's hse better...xP
Viny:: yaya..sad mr viny c0s yet again nvr w0n anyting again..hahhass..xD
hmm..and wad 0r whr are we supp0sed t0 g0 0r d0 again 0n payday...yays..finally we are w0rking t0gether again 0n sat..hahha..and if ms Rad is reading tis entry,when d0 euu supp0se we can g0 makan Swensen's arh?nxt year arhh..?hahhas..yr swensen's trip seem t0 be fr0m n0v t0 dec...and den t0 jan?ii h0pe n0t oky?hahhas...l00king f0rward t0 wad tmr is happening..h0pefully ii can g0 buy perfume..yay...x)...
Labels: outings, randoms, work
Thursday, December 20, 2007
{ 12:38 PM }
This is so funny....... ......... ..and most are so true........ Funny truths about life in small small Singapore ....
1. Nite - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with heater on
2. Day - Cannot Wake up; Nite - Cannot Sleep
3. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese
4. Smell Of rubbish besides letterboxes; Rubbish inside Letterbox
5. Spore Chinese use different languages other then Chinese to communicate.
6. Sporean never like to vote, but like to complain
7. There are quite a number of rich/poor in spore - They have Car, Credit Car! d, CPF but no Cash and is liable to lots of loans
9. There are quite a few high-tech barbaric singaporeans -they know how to use state-of-the art equipment, 3g mobile phone and powerful computers but they dunno how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet
10. Half Sporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half busy killing stray cats
11. Chewing Gum - Can Chew, Cannot buy?? (Restricted to buying)
12. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke
13. Private Cars - Cheaper and Cheaper to buy, harder and harder to Maintain
14. Public Bus - Half the Crowd squeeze in front section of the Bus, Second section is for Carrying Ghost
15. Education - Teachers teaching Less but expects students to learn More
Labels: reads
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
{ 8:48 PM }
Something to consider
next time you go shopping for
lipstick.... .
This comes from someone
who works in the breast cancer unit at
Mt. Sinai Hospital, in Toronto.
From: Dr. Nahid Neman
If there is a female you care anything about,
share this with her. I did!!!!!
I am also sharing this with the males on my email list,
because they need to tell the females
THEY care about as well!
Recently a lipstick brand called "Red Earth"
decreased their prices from
$67 to $9.90.
It contained lead.
Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.
The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
RED EARTH (Lip Gloss)
CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content,
the greater the chance of causing cancer.
After doing a test on lipsticks,
it was found that the Y.S.L. lipstick
contained the most amount of lead.
Watch out for those lipsticks
which are supposed to stay longer.
If your lipstick stays longer, it is
because of the higher content of lead.
Here is the test you can do yourself:
1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick colour changes to black,
then you know the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends,
wives and female family members.
This information is being circulated at
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer,
especially breast cancer.
Labels: information
Friday, December 14, 2007
{ 10:59 AM }

ii l0ve tis dress..
nice...00h..s0 in l0ve with it..yeas..nice nice..=D..
Labels: fashion
{ 12:35 AM }
Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholestrol, and improve stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and bad breath.
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear & Banana - To regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.
Labels: reads
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
{ 12:24 AM }
ii am s0 n0t used t0 w0rking t0gether with viny..hahah..c0s we knw m0st 0f the things dat supp0rt service d0 s0 its lyk 0verlapping..hahha.s0 s0me tings might get left 0ut f0r n0t d0ing lyk t0day we din d0 send0uts until Linda reminded us..shyt lar..end up J0lly c0nduct a meeting..yes..AGAIN..siianx sehh..alm0st every week/day/m0nth habing meetings..>.<"...ii am s0 sickk 0f meetings lia0x..haix..wad t0 d0??they lyk t0 meeting s0 much..and fr0m t0day 0nwards wh0ever wanna take mc f0r pm staff hab t0 inf0rm bef0re 11am l0r..hah..ii wun d0 dat c0s ii dun lyk taking mc in pm..ii dunwan my pm shift t0 suffer..-.-"...the m0st ii 0nly take leave nt mc..xD..
Labels: work
Monday, December 10, 2007
{ 6:58 PM }
yay..finally g0 ktv le..0n 9dec..hahass..but h0r berii c0ld l0r..sejuk sehh..0n&&0ff rain 3times at my hse den ii meet viny g0 chinat0wn f0r ktv...hehs..ii wear sh0rtiie s0mem0re..super de sejuk l0rs..shyt..wear the wr0ng ting..hahahs..x(..g0t the time 0f my life played/sing/danced al0t...hehhahha..viny s0 funny with the hand up..g0t chance den upl0ad ba..
Labels: love, outings
Saturday, December 08, 2007
{ 4:20 PM }
nw ii waiting f0r viny h0ng t0 take bus s0 ii jz write a abit 0f a small entry..hees..we g0ing t0 ktv at cck..cck changed al0ts s0 ii dunknw if thr's a ktv still ar0und thr..aft dat ii taking MRT t0 cck..g0 see see l00k l00k..hee..ii wanna g0 viv0 but nt sure when sehhs..see my m00ds ba..xD..while ii typing tis little entry 0f mine my c0usin is right beside me..using the m0use the see the butt0ns 0f wad ii type tis page n0w..hahhas...x)..s0 cute lar..heh..=D...while her br0ther is trying my new ph0ne..duhs..=P...hhas..wait ii g0tta end lia0x if nt she g0 0ther webby le...
Labels: outings, randoms
{ 3:14 PM }
my xmas wishes f0r the year are as f0ll0ws:-
1) wishing dat we'll be t0gether until f0rever..2) hehe..ii wan sasa's gift set/fragrances/makeup blahblah..2a) Cyber Colours Juicy Gloss 2 for $15.90(them0stwantedinmylist)
2b) Milk Body Special 2pc set(them0stwantedinmylist)
2c) Kylie Minogue DNS Set $16.90(sec0ndch0ice)2d) Adidas perfume $26.90(sec0ndch0ice)2e) Mang0 perfume set c0st $49.90?-t0becfmedlater(lastch0ice)
2f) YSL Babyd0ll perfume $89-exp(lastch0ice)3) buy Nautica V0yage perfume f0r hubby...hees..xD..(iiwillsurelybuyf0rviny)
and s0 hahah..the rest 0f the perfume 0n my wishlist ii will buy f0r myself 0f c0s..hahah..x)..Labels: holidays
Monday, December 03, 2007
{ 10:35 PM }
was supp0sed t0 buy S500I but c0s due t0 m1 0ut 0f st0ck s0 n0 ch0ice.ii buy W910I l0rs..hais..

hmm...seems abit c00l ba..but supp0sed t0 be m0ved but nt..hahhas..euu g0tta press&&h0ld a key bef0re euu m0ve t0 left 0r right..aiyass..its bluff ppl 0ne..s0 sad..n0 S500I le..s0 had t0 settle f0r tis..shyt lar..hais..sad with viny t0days...c0s actually arhs..supp0sed t0 be MaRY helping him l0rs..yy l00k f0r miie?den he said euu dunwan t0 help den g0 aways lar..shyt him..bleahs..x(..ii t0t eur s0 pr0 in send-0uts lia0x still nid ppl help euu f0r fck..?
Labels: handphone, work
Saturday, December 01, 2007
{ 8:11 PM }
every0ne wished miie..
n0 n0t every0ne..0nly rad&&l0lita..haha..they can wished miie happy birthday earlier..
yy cnt euu?0nly at 6plus den euu wished miie..wished ppl happy birthday nid t0 s0 l0ng st0ry meh..since when euu are
MaRY's S0n?
lyk dat ii bec0me sad l0r..
f0r a min0r ting,
yes ii admit..but ii t0t
ppl's birthday shld
gib pri0rity first wad..first time..s0me0ne s0 cl0se t0 miie wished miie s0 late..
Sue&&Qianhui&&Rad::ty f0r yr wishes..xD
Viny::ii hate euu f0r wishing miie s0 damn late..x(
ii t0ld a white lie..ii said my family celebrate with miie actually n0t lar..
jz s0rta wished abit l0r..jz c0s yr frds ji0 euu s0 ii let euu g0 l0r..but ii said t0 buy ph0ne with miie first ma b4 euu g0..dun hab arhhs?
jz g0 abit late is better den nvr turn up wad..0s0 wr0ng meh..?
den ii shld say s0rry l0r..c0s my w0rk ended up s0 late..maybe c0s
party up with june makes everyting w0rse..
Labels: birthday, work